POAO, the four letters that has shaken the food industry in terms of import from the EU within the recent months. The requirements for products of animal origin to be pre-notified via IPAFFs even though expected by many has become a hot topic of many discussions due to lack of knowledge or understanding the subject.
The importer of POAO has to take into consideration many factors:
- Administration - have you created your IPAFFS account? Have you allocated proper resources within your company?
- Knowledge of the product- do you know your product? Do you have enough information to be able to do full IPAFFS notification i.e. class and type etc.?
- Customs- who is your customs agent? Will you be able to provide IPAFFS IMO reference number to your broker in advance so that they could create MRN or ERN?
- Transport- will you have enough time to pass on MRN and ERN number to your transport provider so that they could create GMR number and be able to board the ferry or train to cross to the UK?

Solstor provides transport and customs clearance services and as your agent we would need your IPAFFS IMO number to be able to finalise your clearance and create GMR number for a driver.
As we are not able to provide you with official advice we suggest to explore links on gov.uk website.
Disclaimer: Solstor is not an advisory body please seek a formal advice from the authorised government Institution if you feel you need assistance and advice.